Hey friends!
Christmas is over and as unbelievable as it may seem, it was white at Munakas.
Unfortunately, the good news ends there. Starting from 27.12, Munakas is on pause. It might be possible to keep the Café slope open for a few more days, but maintenance would accelerate the melting even more. Therefore, we will try to preserve and maintain the snow layer as much as possible until the next snowfall or even a minor cold wave.
According to the latest forecasts, snow could come on 31.12 and also on January 1st. Therefore, these days are marked with a question mark on the website's opening times. The first hope for snowmaking is only on 04.01.
Munaka Resto will remain open and Kuutsekas continues to operate 7 days a week with four open slopes.
Despite everything, we wish you a wonderful end of the year and welcome all skiers and snowboarders to Kuutsekas.
Track Masters of Munakas
Groomed with Love