



This upcoming weekend, there's a lot happening at Munakas!

First, an earlier opening: on both Saturday and Sunday, the main lift opens at 8:30 AM due to the Baltic Cup in alpine skiing.

The competition, usually held on the Sport Slope, will take place on the Café Slope this time due to snow conditions. Therefore, on Saturday and Sunday, the Café Slope will be closed for the competition until approximately 1:00 PM.

After the competition, it will be assessed whether the slope needs maintenance. If so, there will be a 15-20 minute maintenance break. During the break, Munaka Resto will have a Happy Hour - two drinks for the price of one.

The Park Slope already has a decent-sized Big Air ready since yesterday. The upper part is currently being shaped to open tomorrow. The Park Slope will be available for everyone on Saturday and Sunday starting at 8:30 AM!

The Learning Slope operates at regular hours - starting at 10:00 AM. The park is definitely worth visiting this weekend, as it might have been built just for this weekend. A version from rain to rain, so to speak.

The Learning Slope operates at regular hours - starting at 10:00 AM. The park is definitely worth visiting this weekend, as it might have been built just for this weekend. A version from rain to rain, so to speak.
The snow conditions are currently rather good - at the beginning of the week, we managed to make a bit more, but yes - the forecast isn't too wintry, so we dared to give the avalanche control team the next weekend off.

Have a wonderfully sporty weekend!

Munaka Team